Blended wine can be easily defined as the wine, which is produced from different varieties of varietals or grapes. Most of the white wine or red wine available to us is usually produced from just a single grape such as Chardonnay or Merlot. The grapes grown in different parts of the world or in different regions are considered to be the same varietal. However, manufacturers use more than a few varietals during the winemaking process of blended white or red wine.
One of these varietals will be used as the main anchor for the drink, while others are added in order to improve or adjust the outcome. Manufactures can make a wine more complex and delicious just by replacing half of the wine’s composition with another varietal. This is because the wine pulls in the characteristics of the multiple varietals that are used to produce it.
There is an aesthetic and scientific concept behind blended wine. Let us say, if a certain variety of red wine has a specific attribute and if another type of red wine has a complimentary attribute, then blending them will allow you to enjoy both the characteristics in a single drink. In addition to that, the blended wine will also have its own attributes. However, it is easier said than done. Blending two wine products is a lot more than mixing the wine grapes, which are used to produce the products. It takes time, patience, and a bit of experimentation.
Blended wine products are widely famous among alcohol lovers because of the different flavors, aromas, and texture it offers. Nevertheless, manufacturers must use their instincts and experience to decide which grape goes perfectly with the other, and would produce the best outcome. This process is vital because some of the grapes might not be suitable for blending, while some, if used in higher quantities, will overpower the other blend and destroy the efficiency of the blending process.
The names of some of the blended white wines are creative and quirky, but unfortunately, they don’t tell a lot about the drink. As a wine enthusiast though, it is essential to know about the flavors present in the drink, as it will help you to choose a wine product that perfectly matches with your desired taste. A little bit of research to find an exceptional blended wine, would even magnify the enjoyment and experience blended wines offer.