Hennessy Black Cognac (750Ml)

Hennessy Black Cognac (750Ml)


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Hennessy Black is a blend of 35 to 45, pale- and gold-colored eaux-de-vies. (Cognac is made from eaux-de-vie, which literally means "waters of life," produced by doubly distilling the white wines produced in any of the growth areas of Cognac, France.) Hennessy Black is then aged in older French oak barrels, that were previously used for Hennessy, for at least five years, which gives the cognac a lighter color and less of a wood influence in its taste profile. The result: Hennessy Black is not only smooth, but versatile with floral notes and hints of citrus and honey and scents of jasmine, daffodils and orange flowers.

Product Details

  • SKU: 81753815554
  • Bottle Size: 750ml
  • ABV: 40%