Mars Tsunuki is a prestigious Japanese whisky brand produced by the Mars Shinshu Distillery, a name synonymous with excellence in whisky production in Japan. Founded in 1985 by Hombo Shuzo, a company with roots dating back to 1872, Mars Shinshu is Japan’s highest whisky distillery, nestled in the Japanese Alps. The Tsunuki distillery, however, taps into an even older history, located in Kagoshima, where the company originally produced shochu. Reopened in 2016, the Tsunuki distillery continues the tradition of crafting exquisite whiskies, blending Japan’s deep reverence for nature with meticulous craftsmanship.
Why Mars Tsunuki?
Mars Tsunuki whisky is a testament to the art of Japanese whisky making, where tradition meets innovation. The distillery leverages the unique climate of Kagoshima—warm and humid—to create whiskies with distinctive characteristics. The Tsunuki distillery’s commitment to using the finest ingredients, including pristine water sourced from natural springs, and its focus on small-batch production, ensure that each bottle of Mars Tsunuki offers a unique tasting experience that reflects the rich heritage and natural beauty of its origin.
Craftsmanship and Distillation
The craftsmanship behind Mars Tsunuki whisky is rooted in traditional Japanese techniques, with a deep respect for nature's role in the distillation process. The warm climate of Kagoshima, combined with careful aging in a variety of casks, including American oak and sherry barrels, imparts rich, complex flavors to the whisky. The distillery’s small-batch production allows for close attention to detail, resulting in a whisky that is smooth, well-balanced, and layered with notes of fruit, spice, and subtle smokiness.
What Makes It Stand Out?
Mars Tsunuki stands out for its unique terroir and the distinct character of its whiskies. The distillery’s location in the southern part of Japan, with its warmer climate, gives the whisky a different aging profile compared to those produced in cooler regions. This results in a whisky that is not only rich and full-bodied but also has a unique depth and complexity. The dedication to traditional Japanese craftsmanship, combined with innovative aging techniques, makes Mars Tsunuki a standout in the world of premium whiskies.
Who Is It For?
Mars Tsunuki is perfect for whisky connoisseurs who appreciate the nuances of Japanese whisky and the influence of terroir on flavor. It’s an excellent choice for those who seek out unique and artisanal spirits with a deep connection to their place of origin. Whether you’re enjoying it neat or with a splash of water, Mars Tsunuki offers a sophisticated and memorable whisky experience that will appeal to both seasoned whisky enthusiasts and those exploring Japanese whisky for the first time.