Goldeneye Brut Rose (750Ml)

Goldeneye Brut Rose (750Ml)


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Goldeneye Brut Rosé is sourced from Anderson Valley, known for producing complex and distinct wines. With heavy rainfall and temperate summers combined with thoughtful irrigation and slow-paced harvesting, healthy vines produce excellent crops. Crafted from their very best blocks of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, this Brut Rose embodies the rustic elegance and rich diversity of the winemaking on their Anderson valley estate. The sparkling wine has aromas of orange marmalade and freshly baked biscuits layered in with notes of summer strawberry and cherry. On the palate is a rich, supple texture balanced by blood orange and honeydew flavors leading into a lingering finish with notes of hazelnut, brioche and lemon zest. For pairing, the team at CWs suggests smoked gouda mushroom quesadillas or asparagus, or crispy prosciutto and brie grilled cheese.

Product Details

  • SKU: 669576030110
  • Bottle Size: 750ml
  • ABV: 12.5%