EL Tesoro Extra Anejo (750Ml)

EL Tesoro Extra Anejo (750Ml)


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Availability: In Stock
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El Tesoro, founded by the Coronado family, has been distilling tequila for three generations. With time and experience, they have honed their process using precise measurements, double distillation to ensure proof, and attention to detail. Each batch is handled with care, with each bottle being labeled by hand. El Tesoro crafts their tequila with hand selected agave roasted in traditional hornos. The agave piñas are stripped using a non-volcanic tahona pit. Once shredded and crushed, the agave juice and pulp are transferred to open wooden vats and fermented with natural yeast.

Product Details

  • SKU: 80686761044
  • Bottle Size: 750ml
  • ABV: 40%
  • Type: Tequila, Extra Anejo 
  • Brand: El Tesoro 
  • Region: Mexico
  • Flavor Experience: Coffee, cinnamon, caramel and butter, dark chocolate, dry fruits, roasted nuts, pepper, and oak
  • Suggestions: Neat in a snifter or flute