Don Fulano Reposado (750Ml)

Don Fulano Reposado (750Ml)


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Availability: 5+ In Stock
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Don Fulano tequila comes from five generations of agave farmers and distillers. Over 140 years ago, in the town of Atotonilco in the Highlands of Jalisco, the Fonseca family became well known for their agave agriculture, even supplying the top tequila makers. It was only in the 1970s did the descendants consider creating a distillery of their own and after facing agave shortages, they established their own in the mid 1980s, known as La Tequileña Distillery.

Product Details

  • SKU: 7416388230596
  • Bottle Size: 750ml
  • ABV: 40%
  • Type: Tequila, Reposado 
  • Brand: Don Fulano 
  • Region: Jalisco, Mexico
  • Flavor Experience: Buttery, oak, vanilla bean, cocoa, spices, sweet prune, coconut, macadamia, cooked agave, and a touch of ashy minerality.
  • Suggestions: Pair with food or try on its own