Black Velvet Toasted Carmel (750Ml)

Black Velvet Toasted Carmel (750Ml)


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Since 1991 Black Velvet Reserve Canadian Whiskey has continued to grow in popularity, now sold in over 55 countries all over the world. The original intended name for this whiskey was “Black Label.” However, after the original distiller Jack Napier sampled the first batch and experienced its uncommonly velvety smooth texture and flavor it then became labeled as “Black Velvet.” As a fine Canadian whiskey, Black Velvet is crafted using only a mashbill composed of the highest quality of grains including rye, barley, and corn. The mash is aged in bourbon barrels for up to eight years, then mixed with a fresh base whiskey spirit and then returned to the bourbon barrels to age for three more years. The mature whiskey results in a rich and smooth sip. Black Velvet Toasted Caramel is a delicious flavored rendition, with the original base combined with a sweet caramel flavor. The smooth and woody whiskey flavor is complemented by the coffee, toffee, and creamy notes. The luscious palate offers a creamy, lingering finish. Sip Black Velvet Toasted Caramel whiskey neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite cocktail or coffee!

Product Details

  • SKU: 96749003174
  • Bottle Size: 750ml
  • ABV: 35%
  • Type: Whiskey, Flavored 
  • Brand: Black Velvet 
  • Region: Kentucky, USA
  • Flavor Experience: Velvety smooth, creamy, toffee, caramel, woody
  • Suggestions: Add to some coffee or hot chocolate