Takara Plum Sake (750Ml)

Takara Plum Sake (750Ml)


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For more than one and a half centuries, Takara has produced Shochu, Mirin and Sake using natural ingredients and processes. With sustainability and coexistence with nature at the heart of Takara, the self-proclaimed “Harmonist” company aims to not only practice in this way, but also to educate people. Established in Berkeley, California in 1983, Takara Sake USA applies their premium sake-making craftsmanship to the superior rice from the fertile Sacramento Valley and the pure snow melt from the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Alongside their modern technology and natural fermentation, Takara produces a range of spirits. Their “Sho Chiku Bai” are crafted in Berkeley, California and premium sake and shochu are imported from Japan. Takara Plum Sake or Umeshu, is a light and sweet plum wine. It’s sweet and aromatic notes are balanced with tartness and hints of cherry blossoms and sweet tarts. The sorbet-like palate is the perfect amount of sweet and incredibly refreshing. Best served chilled, Takara Umeshu is perfect as an aperitif, palate cleanser, or as a pairing with dessert. Versatile, Umeshu is also wonderful drizzled over fresh fruit, ice cream or in a cocktail, with some soda water, straight, or on the rocks.

Product Details

  • SKU: 86395365009
  • Bottle Size: 750ml
  • ABV: 10%
  • Type: Sake 
  • Brand: Takara 
  • Region: California, USA
  • Flavor Experience: Light, sweet, tart, cherry blossom, plum
  • Suggestions: Serve chilled, in cocktails, by itself, or with fruit-based desserts