When you have a bit of vodka in your house, and you really don’t feel like drinking it, use it for household remedies instead. You can make an amazing insect repellent; all you need to do is put vodka in a spray bottle and spray yourself or the insect. They will surely stay away from you after that. Just don’t spray it at bees; they are good for the environment. If you’ve ever had a jellyfish sting, then you surely understand the pain of it, and want it to go away as fast as possible. With vodka, you can make that happen; vodka can disinfect and alleviate much of the bite of a jellyfish sting. No home should have mold, so spritz a bit of vodka on the culprit, and then let it sit for 15 minutes. Scrub away with an old toothbrush. That mold has now met its match with your vodka charm.
If you find lavender to be soothing, create a soothing lavender tincture; fill a glass jar with fresh lavender flowers, then top with vodka; seal the lid tightly and place in the sun for 3 days. Strain the resulting liquid through a coffee filter, and congratulations on your home remedy to curing aches and pains. Rub the mixture into anywhere on your body that has pain. You can pour it into smaller bottles if you’d like to give it as a gift. Nobody likes a pesky toothache; if you’re not able to see a dentist right away then try swishing vodka over the affected area. It will help disinfect, as well as numb the pain a bit until you are able to go to the dentist. You will definitely smell like vodka for a little though, but the ease of pain is definitely worth it. Good luck.