Have you ever had a leftover bottle of wine in your fridge that you completely forgot about? Well not to worry, there are plenty of things you can do with that so it doesn’t go to waste. One example is to turn that old wine into a glass cleaner. If you have spoiled white wine, it’s already on its way to being vinegar, which is an excellent cleaner so it will naturally work like a charm on any dirty glass around. All you need to do is add a few tablespoons to a spray bottle of water, apply to windows and mirrors, then wipe with a newspaper. Maybe you have those annoying fruit flies in your home that just won’t seem to go away. If you have this problem, just pour a ½ inch of red wine into a glass and cover it tightly with plastic wrap. Then poke a few small holes in the wrap, which will let the flies in, but won’t allow them to come out. Wine will really help remove annoying grease stains around the house or even in the garage. The alcohol in the wine acts as an astringent, peeling away hard-to-remove stains. Try mixing in some baking soda for an extra added boost.
Before your wine goes bad, try pouring it into ice cube trays to save for later to use for a sauce, dressing, or marinade. You can enhance your homemade tomato sauce by adding some white wine to the mix. It will kick up the flavor a bit, and add a little bit more depth. Your friends and family will enjoy it. If you like to do art projects with your kids or with your friends, you can use red wine to dye fabric. You would heat the wine to simmering in a big bot on the stove top, add your fabric, stir with a wooden spoon for 10 minutes, and then allow it to cool. Make sure to rinse the fabric well after. A yummy thing to do with wine is turn it into jelly. Take your pick of wine, and then add some sugar and a pouch of liquid pectin. It would taste delicious on toast. Wine can also be used as an anti-inflammatory agent because of its high alcohol content. It can also remove bacteria or sooth soreness. Try marinating your meat in wine for six hours. It will leave your meat more flavorful and juicy. One last good trick for wine is if you spill red wine on fabric, try using white wine to counteract its effects. Pour the white wine all over the red wine stain, and then blot it up immediately with a towel. That should do the trick. Have fun!